Communication Designer


Branding and advertising project done for a luxury dining restaurant. Aimed at giving you an experience through synthesising your experience.


With its unique concept, Synses is a restaurant that wants to give you an experience. Every table has a separate cabin like closed soundproof space. With every dish that you order, the music changes. Scientifically researched, the perfect music played with the right food is bound to give you an unforgettable experience.

The only restaurant that will please all your five senses: Hearing, Sight, Touch, Smell and Taste.

Synses board outside grungy
Synses logo
The logo is inspired by record disks and plates. With the circle also being a symbol of original perfection and infinity.

The logo is inspired by record disks and plates. With the circle also being a symbol of original perfection and infinity.

Street ad for synses
signage synses front
synses sign back
Advertisement 1

The concepts for the introductory advertisement campaign. The purpose was to push the brand forward and register the logotype in people's minds.

Advertisement 2